"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does."
Margaret Mead
We have a new modality for our summer marine science experiences focused on students or any discipline or professionals interested in learning about manta and devil ray research and conservation work.
All the money goes directly to boat rental costs and housing, the payment goes through the (Manta Caribbean Project) Non-Profit Bank Account.
The process remains the same:
Send your CV, motivation letter, and a professional or academic recommendation.
The second phase is an interview through video call.
In the third phase after a month only successfully selected candidates receive the notification by email, any questions:
karen@mantacaribbeanproject.org or manzafuentes@gmail.com
Calendar rest of 2024 and all 2025
2024 November 15 to Nov 29th
January 20th-February 10th
February 14th- March 2nd
May 10th- May 30th
June 1st - June 22
June 31st -July 20
Aug 1st- Aug 22 th
Sept 1st- Sept 21st.
3 weeks program: includes field trips, housing, marine research training, handling equipment, weekly presentations, educational activities, fisheries surveys, database training, and creation of outreach materials.
COST: USD 1,650
Doesn´t include: flights, food other personal expenses.
Five participants are limited to this program.
This program helps us to keep working towards the conservation and research of the species of mobulid rays within four Marine Protected Areas, the money is the contribution from participants, and in exchange, we provide experience from a local non-profit organization and conservation involvement in our region.
Key responsibilities:
· Follow your instructor's indications at any time and procedures related to the task assigned to your person.
· Perform data analysis and assist with preparing scientific publications, grants applications, etc.
· Create outreach materials for schools, and communities about marine megafauna and wider marine conservation.
· Maintain equipment and contribute to keeping accommodation facilities clean and in order.
· Conduct fisheries surveys.
· Conduct interviews with local community stakeholders connected with mobulid rays, marine debris, and others.
· Minimum 18 years old.
· Environmental or conservation of previous work experience.
· Excellent swimming and snorkeling skills.
· Willing to work sporadic and occasionally long hours on a boat (it is very sunny and hot during those months).
· Strong passion for marine ecosystems/ manta rays/ conservation/education.
· English with an intermediate level minimum.
· We are in a Spanish-speaking country. Applicants with some level of Spanish language knowledge will be given special consideration.
· Creative and innovative person.
· Computer skills (excel. PowerPoint, word, photoshop, graphs).
· Comfortable working long hours at a desk.
· Friendly and enthusiastic personality.
· Comfortable sharing work, and housing with other people.
· Can relate to people of different backgrounds.
· Diving insurance and or full medical insurance.
SERVICIO SOCIAL Y PRACTICAS UNICAMENTE ESTUDIANTES DE LA PENINSULA DE YUCATAN (Incluye hospedaje y salidas de campo, no incluye gastos de transportación ni alimentos).
Unicamente cubrir gastos de alimentación y transportacion.
Requisitos TODOS:
-Envía tu CV, 1 Carta de recomendación, una carta de motivación de ¿Por qué quieres participar en el programa? y ¿Cuál es tu aportación para el proyecto?.
-Una carta de recomendación laboral o académicaa karen@mantacaribbeanproject.org
Personas creativas, amigables y con actitud positiva!!
Estar cómodo compartiendo casa y tareas de trabajo con personas con diferentes antecedentes, conocimientos, e idiomas.
Tener mínimo 21 años cumplidos.
Tener seguro médico y seguro de actividades acuáticas.
Comprometerse con el programa por lo menos un mes.
Excelentes aptitudes en el agua. (Certificados de buceo, apnea y/o snorkel altamente recomendados).
Dispuesto a trabajar por largas horas en computadora.
Dispuesto a estar varias horas del día en el sol, cuando se realizan las salidas de campo.
De preferencia contar con segundo idioma (Inglés, Francés, Alemán u otro).
Interés en ecosistemas marinos, conservación y educación ambiental.
Seguir instrucciones en todo momento y procedimientos relacionados con las tareas que se te hayan asignado.
Realizar análisis de datos, ayudar a preparar publicaciones científicas y solicitudes de subvenciones.
Crear material para escuelas y comunidades relacionados con la megafauna marina y otros ecosistemas de la region.
Realizar encuestas (dependiendo del proyecto que se esté realizando)
Mantener equipo en perfectas condiciones y ser limpio y responsable en actividades diarias en la casa de voluntarios.
*Tienen que cubrir sus gastos de alimentación y transporte para llegar a la Península de Yucatán.
*Si realizas posgrados no tiene ningún costo. Está abierta la convocatoria, envía tu propuesta a karen@mantatrust.org fecha límite abril 25 2023.
If you are interested in manta rays and marine conservation, we want you to be involved! Whether you're a marine biologist, videographer, GIS mapping expert, graphic designer, or have other skills that you think could be of interest to the project, you can volunteer.
Awareness and education within the community and schools are vital for the health and sustainability of all local ecosystems. Healthy environments and sustainable practices will ensure that industry on the Isla Mujeres will continue into the future and locals will not revert solely to fishing to support their economy.
While volunteering you will have the chance to work on local conservation projects working with schools, local stakeholders, and the general community. You will also learn about manta research, managing the database, photo identification, and hands-on experience in the field by taking manta ID pictures and samples.

Contribute to groundbreaking research and help us unlock some of the mystery that lies below the surface in the Caribbean Sea